Health Insurance – Walled Lake, MI Information
Health Insurance for Individual/Families
2024 Open Enrollment Period is November 1, 2023 through January 15, 2024. This is the only time you can apply for coverage or change plans for 2024 unless you have a Qualifying Special Event.
By clicking below, you can get a quote on or off the exchange. If you are moderate to low income you may qualify for a government subsidy. In order to receive a subsidy you have to select on-exchange quote option. The quote system will assist you if you enter your approximate annual income it will suggest if you might qualify for a subsidy and default your quote to on-exchange. If you prefer not to be on exchange and forgo any subsidy, go ahead and change to the default to off-exchange.
If you are already on-exchange or have processed your information through you may enter the information below which will allow our agency to help you pick plans and service your policy. The government does not allow us to set up your account on
When prompted by the question/screen “Is anyone assisting you with this application” Enter:
Name: Sherry Diederich
FFM ID: Sdiederich
NPN#: 3414969
By entering this information I will be able to assist you with the plan selection and ultimately be your agent on the plan you purchase.
Shopping Tips
When shopping for plans pay particular attention to the following plan options:
When comparing and reviewing plans be aware that the government has standardized plan value, but not plan deductibles, copays, and out of pocket maximums. The following table shows the government criteria for plans based on actuarial value:
Government Criteria For Plans Based on Actuarial Value |
Platinum– Insurer pays 90% of medical expense, Insured pays 10% of medical expense |
Gold– Insurer pays 80% of medical expense, Insured pays 20% of medical expense |
Silver– Insurer pays 70% of medical expense, Insured pays 30% of medical expense |
Bronze– Insurer pays 60% of medical expense, Insured pays 40% of medical expense |
Catastrophic Plans– Available to those under 30 years of age only. |
Plan Type – PPO / HMO / POS – this option dictates what flexibility you have in selecting doctors and hospital
Network – This tells you what doctors and hospitals will be considered “In-Network” and eligible for lower copays and deductibles.
Plan Description – H.S.A./ H.R.A./ Traditional Plan – this option dictates how deductibles and copays will be facilitated
Deductibles – this typically is the dollars you will pay out of pocket first before coverage kicks in.
Copays – some expenses like prescriptions, doctors visits, urgent care, etc will have separate copays that are paid either before or after deductibles.
Out of Pocket Maximum – this is the most you can expect to pay out of your pocket for expenses during the course of the plan year.
Review your plan options and determine a budget and feel free to call our office at any time and our team of agents will help you compare plans and make a choice that fits your needs.
Contact TDA Insurance & Financial Agency & Financial at 248-347-3630, to speak with an agent right now to discover your options for comprehensive, dependable Michigan health insurance.